Missionary Support & Resources

Missionary Support

Each church is challenged to join in a covenant relationship of missionary support.  This will be a source of continuing blessing to a congregation. Any amount of support is welcome. $1000 (or $5 per member for churches under 300 members) constitutes a unit of support and entitles a church to a biographical sketch, a photograph, and a visit from the missionary at General Board expense when he or she is on furlough.

To arrange for such support and information, the local church deals directly with their District Mission Coordinator, and the Conference Secretary of Global Ministries.

Your Support is sent to our Conference treasurer and forwarded to the General Board in New York.  Your church is credited, and the full amount is remitted to the missionary you wish to support.

Resources for Mission

Conference Resource Center

  • Discovery Place Resource Center - Susquehanna Conference resource center for videos, books and other mission resources.  You can browse the catalog at www.discovery-place.org.  Or you may call 717-766-7441 ext. 3400 or e-mail discovery@susumc.org .
  • People
    See "Contact Us" for a list of people to contact for help in mission work.


  • Mission Speakers - missionaries, national mission workers, mission ambassadors, other people who have been to mission areas.  Contact Michelle Schwartzman, Director of VIM and Outreach, vim@susumc.org

Printed Materials

  • Service Center Catalog - free by request.  Lists current materials available from the Board of Global Ministries, including pamphlets, books, films and maps.  www.missionresourcecenter.org.  Service Center, 7820 Reading Road, Cincinnati, OH 45222-1800
  • New World Outlook - a UM mission magazine - $15.00 per year (within USA), 6 issues, (or with Response magazine $25.00).  www.missionresourcecenter.org.  New World Outlook, Service Center, 7820 Reading Road, Cincinnati, OH 45222-1800.
  • Response - a program journal of United Methodist Women - $10.00 per year, 11 issues (or with New World Outlook magazine $25.00).  www.missionresourcecenter.org.  Response, Service Center 7820 Reading Road, Cincinatti, OH 45222-1800.
  • Partnership in Missions - each pastor has a copy available for loan.  Contains a listing and description of all General Advance Projects.  $3.00 per copy, www.missionresourcecenter.org.  Service Center, 7820 Reading Road, Cincinnati, OH 45222-1800.
  • Prayer Calendar - a yearly publication listing birthdays of our missionaries and prayer requests for every day.  $11.00 per copy.  www.missionresourcecenter.org.  Service Center, 7820 Reading Road, Cincinnati, OH 45222-1800.


  • Mission u - held each summer for adults, youth and children.  It is an opportunity to meet mission leaders and to be challenged.  Contact your pastor, or United Methodist Women.
  • Board of Global Ministries Seminar - a three day seminar and tour of mission projects in New York City, conducted by personnel from the General Board of Global Ministries.  Contact:  Rev. Andrew Burd-Harris with questions: 304-554-9131 or aburd-harris@susumc.org.


Flo Waybright
Conference Secretary, Global Ministries

Deb Currinder
Disaster Response Coordinator

Michelle Schwartzman
Volunteers In Mission Coordinator