What is UMVIM?

United Methodist Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM) is the short-term mission agency of the United Methodist Church. An UMVIM volunteer is any United Methodist who engages in outreach as a member of a United Methodist Church in service of their neighbors near and far.

UMVIM (or VIM to go even shorter) is a grassroots movement of United Methodists who seek to put their “Christian Love in Action.”  Since the 1970s, UMVIM has offered a framework through which disciples can engage in short-term mission locally, nationally, and globally.  Our volunteers are lay and clergy, young and old, with differing abilities and vocations, from all walks of life. VIM engage in short-term mission each year in ministries as varied as disaster response, community development, pastor training, microenterprise, agriculture, Vacation Bible School, building repair/construction, and medical/dental services.  There is a place for everyone to serve.

The Conference VIM Coordinator is part of the Conference Board of Global Ministries as well as the Northeast Jurisdiction UMVIM Board umvim.org.

There are millions of United Methodists in the USA.   Our calling is to inspire them to serve all over the world.  Conference VIM provide training and resources to equip individuals and teams with the knowledge and skills to serve alongside mission sites successfully.


  1. Pay Attention to Spiritual Formation at Every Stage of the Journey
  2. Commitment to Intercultural Competency
  3. Have a Trained Team Leader
  4. Serve with an UMVIM Project
  5. Comply with Safe Sanctuaries
  6. Insurance Coverage
  7. Register Your Team


  1. It’s God’s Mission, Not Ours
  2. Radical Discipleship
  3. Partnership
  4. People Over Projects
  5. Growing in Intercultural Competence
  6. Self-Awareness
  7. Do No Harm.  Do Good. Stay in Love with God.

Flo Waybright
Conference Secretary, Global Ministries

Deb Currinder
Disaster Response Coordinator

Michelle Schwartzman
Volunteers In Mission Coordinator